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To Be The Man, You Gotta Beat The Man!
The Ric Flair of Comics..."Uncle Gary"

Uncle Gary joined Code -X in 2023 and even though he is new to the station his comic roots run deep. 2024 will mark his 50th anniversary of collecting comics and his collection is just under 59,000 books and he has many complete runs dating back to the late fifties and early sixties. 


Gary loves all kinds of comics but superhero and horror are his two favorite genres and even though he has thousands of Marvel books DC is his favorite publisher with Aquaman, Swamp Thing, and the Spectre as his favorite characters. 

Gary’s comic collecting origin entails a trip to 7-eleven with his beloved grandfather in the spring of 1974. Along with a soda and a snack he was allowed to go to the magical spinner rack and pull out a four color treasure.


Thus a lifelong addiction was born.


That first book was the 100 page Justice League Of America # 111 and Gary still has that very copy! It’s beat to hell and well read but he refers to it as his genesis book and the cornerstone of his massive collection.


Gary was thrilled when asked to join the ranks of the outstanding Code -X roster of hosts and what he lacks in tech skills he more than makes up for with the vast amount of comic knowledge looked away in that old school brain.


He knows a winning team when he sees one and he’s proud to play for the Code-X Station!

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